COMELI, the Common Media Library, is a groundbreaking project aimed at unifying and simplifying the streaming application development process. By providing a universal API, COMELI integrates various video formats and ensures compatibility across a wide range of platforms and programming languages. Our mission is to streamline the complexities involved in streaming development, making it accessible and efficient for developers everywhere.

Comprehensive Features

COMELI is designed to address the complexities of streaming app development by offering a suite of features that cater to the needs of modern developers:

Container Diagram for COMELI - Common Media Library«system_boundary»«boundary»COMELI[System]«container»COMELI Library[Distributed library offering unifiedAPI access, integrating variousvideo formats and platforms] Supports: Java, JavaScript,Swift, etc.«container»SDKs[Facilitates development on iOS,Android, Web, etc.] Java, JavaScript, Swift«external_system»Video Formats External systems like DASH,HLS, CMAF,SmoothStreaming«external_system»Platforms iOS, Android, Web, SmartTVs, Desktop browsers«external_system»DRM Systems Content protectionintegration for variousplatforms«external_system»Analytics Services Provides insights on userengagement andperformance metricsSupports interactionwith various videoformatsEnsures compatibilityacross multipleplatformsIntegrates with DRMsystems for contentprotectionEnables analytics datacollection andintegrationUtilized within SDKs forplatform-specificdevelopment

Industry Standard Architecture

The graph illustrates market fragmentation, showcasing user interactions across diverse platforms and their integration with a fragmented array of video backend components, including JavaScript libraries for HLS and DASH playback, native video players for various platforms, and support for HTML5 video playback.

«system_boundary»«boundary»Platform[System]«system_boundary»«boundary»Video player[System]«system_boundary»«boundary»Web platforms[System]«system_boundary»«boundary»Samsung platforms[System]«system_boundary»«boundary»Android platforms[System]«system_boundary»«boundary»Apple platforms[System]«system_boundary»«boundary»Roku platforms[System]«system»Browser«system»Android«system»iOS«system»Tizen«system»WebOS«system»Android TV«system»Apple TV«system»Roku«system»Video player JavaScript video player«system»HLS.js JavaScript libraryfor HLS playback«system»Dash.js JavaScript libraryfor DASH playback«system»Shaka Player JavaScript libraryfor DASH playback«system»HTML5 Video Element HTML5 video element«system»Video player JavaScript video player«system»Samsung Tizen Avplayer«system»Samsung Tizen Media Content API«system»Video player Android video player«system»ExoPlayer Android video backend«system»Video player iOS video player«system»AVPlayer iOS video backend«system»Video player Roku video player«system»Roku Roku video backend«person»UserUses[App]Uses[App]Uses[App]Uses[App]Uses[App]Uses[App]Uses[App]Uses[App]Uses[HLS]Uses[DASH]Uses[DASH/HLS/MSS]Uses[mp4]Uses[DASH/HLS/MSS]Uses[DASH/HLS/MSS]Uses[HLS/DASH/MSS]Uses[HLS/DASH/MSS]Uses[HLS/DASH/MSS]Uses[HLS/DASH/MSS]Uses[HLS/DASH/MSS]Uses[HLS/DASH/MSS]Uses[HLS/DASH/MSS]Uses[HLS/DASH/MSS]Uses[HLS/DASH/MSS]Uses[HLS/DASH]Uses[HLS/DASH]

COMELI Standard Architecture

The graph illustrates user interactions across multiple platforms utilizing the COMELI video backend for video streaming, alongside the compilation of the COMELI library into various programming languages.

«system_boundary»«boundary»Platform[System]«system_boundary»«boundary»Comeli video backend[System]«system»Browser«system»Android«system»iOS«system»Tizen«system»WebOS«system»Android TV«system»Apple TV«system»Roku«system»COMELI API«system»COMELI.js library«system»COMELI.cpp library«system»COMELI.java library«system»COMELI.brightscript library«person»User«container»Custom video player[app]Uses[App]Uses[App]Uses[App]Uses[App]Uses[App]Uses[App]Uses[App]Uses[App]Uses[Player]Uses[Player]Uses[Player]Uses[Player]Uses[Player]Uses[Player]Uses[Player]Uses[Player]Uses[Library]Compiles[JS]Compiles[CPP]Compiles[JAVA]Compiles[BrightScript]

Our Team

Behind COMELI is a team of seasoned developers with extensive experience in media streaming, software development, and digital innovation. Built by developers for developers, our team brings passion, dedication, and a deep understanding of the challenges faced in streaming application development. We're committed to offering solutions that empower developers, enabling them to focus on creating exceptional content and experiences without the usual hurdles.

Our Vision

At COMELI, we believe in making development easier, more intuitive, and universally accessible. Our platform is designed to remove the barriers of entry for developers, offering streamlined processes, comprehensive documentation, and a supportive community. Whether you're integrating new video formats, deploying to various platforms, or implementing complex features like DRM and analytics, COMELI is here to simplify your workflow and accelerate your projects.


Our platform stands out for its dedication to simplifying the streaming development process, powered by a team with deep industry experience. COMELI is built with passion and dedication, focusing on:

Get Involved

Join our mission to revolutionize streaming development. Whether you're a developer looking to simplify your workflow, a contributor eager to share your expertise, or a partner interested in collaboration, we welcome you to the COMELI community.